How to Not to get Gored at the Running of the Bulls
Two explosions go off from afar. Suddenly the thousands of people that surround you begin a nervous panic. You are locked in an alleyway with only one way out. Depending on where you start, you have between 10 seconds to a minute and a half before 6 raging bulls (and 6 steer) either blow past you or through you. They run 2 to 3 times faster than you can run so you cannot outrun them. If the bull gores you (spears you with his horn), it is about as hard to pierce your body as it would be for a Honda Civic with a knife attached to the front. Of course I am talking about the event in Pamplona called the “Running of the Bulls” (aka the encierro). It is easily the dumbest thing that I have voluntarily done this year with regard to my safety. Unlike other adrenaline rushes and adventure sports, the main danger in this event does not come from weather conditions or your own judgment. The danger...